Number Plates Rip Off

Bad Homburg Zulassungstelle must have an arrangement with the people who make number plates.
I was told to get my new plates made across the road and then come back to have the stickers put on them.
So I went in and asked them to make them ———–it took 3 minutes —— 38 Euros.
Online you can get them made, including postage – for €17.99 – and that by a TÜV approved site.
Rip off .

Why didn’t they recommend the INternet as an alternative?

A5 3D Radar traps???? (Blitzer)

The bastards – now they can measure your speed, the distance from the car in front and no doubt how many buttons on your flies are open!!!
I SAY – STOP IT!!! No distance fines/prosecutions until they insist that cars are fitted with automatic distance readouts!!!!!! How the F**K am I supposed to calculate acording to my speed how far behind the car in front I am? And when they cut in front of me??? No chance.

Internet Fraud / Abzocker

It could never happen to me!!!!! Well it has. I clicked on a site that offered up to 80% discount for self-employed people from stock clearnace and companies being wound up.

It asked to register for the emails (Very much like Groupon) – and I entered the information.

Three days later I get a letter from Vendis GmBH that i had sucessfully registered – which I found unusual – so I did a search on Venbdis GMBH – and then I found out. This is a scam site that has trapped hundreds of people – I was warned that next I would recieve a bill for 284.17 (I did a week later – including terms and conditions – the small print).

So – don’t click onto the site Grossehandel-angebot (Actually facebook even stopped me mentioning it in a posting).

There is more advice than it is possible to follow on the interenet – from do nothing to get a solicitor – but apparently they already have a solicitor working for them.

There will be (I am told) further reminders, then Solicitors letters – then eventually who knows what – even taking me to court – but in Berlin where I can’t go,.

Apparently many people pay that money to avoid the hassel.

I will send them a Verbraucherzentral recommended letter. Then we will see.

It requires nerves of steel apparently.

Something that we I may or may not have………………………..


Germany – a good weekend

Well – aren’t they all? OK so it rained on Saturday – but today – now sunshine all day – cycling around Kronberg, Steinbach, Eschborn. Trying to find some cherries ( a late frost put-paid to most of this years crop I am afraid).

My neighbour’s son “sampled” nearly all my goosberries – and they weren’t even ripe yet    🙁       Lets hope I can keep his fingers off my blackberries and raspberries – when they come.

Made around 4 lbs of strawberry jam 2 weeks ago – I just love the “Good LIfe”.

Haven’t watched one football match – and don’t feel left out either.

Have a good week.



So they have made the taxation of your radio and TV viewing simpler?


Well – simpler for me means that my payments go from 5 euros odd to 17 euros odd per month.

Pity the small to medium business – they are really going to get stung 🙁


Biking around Frankfurt

Sunday was warm with good weather – so we went for a bike ride – `cross the fields through moor and mountain (OK – not so many of those 🙂 ) – Steinbach, Praunheim and the Nidda park – and along the river to Rödelhiem. Back to Eschborn and thank heavens for the S-Bahn to finish the uphill bit 🙂

There are some lovely parts of Frankfurt hidden along river and canal banks – get out there on foot or two wheels and appreciate it!!!


Hello English speakers and learners everywhereworld!

I am trying out a blog on my web site.

I am sitting here, late at night – when I should be reading or playing my guitar – setting this thing up.

Whew – what a trial…

Still – one of my daughters is visiting and right now is on a Bohr bus coming from Frankfurt (sic) Hahn airort. I will drive to the Frankfurt main station shortly to collect her.

Oh – also have to set up a bed for her 🙂