Ah the sunny weather is here – why even if I had work – I wouldn’t like to be doing it!!! πŸ™‚

I like the simple things in life – like fixing a puncture in my bicycle tyre, going for a bike ride in the Taunus (not on the roads), laying on a park bench up there and dozing whilst gazing at the clouds – we should all do more of that I think.

I was having a rest – and I thought – “Do I really have to rush off on my bike to do even more kilometers? NO, I thought – just lay here on your back and relax and watch the world go by”.

So I did.

I believe I found the profession for which I was born …. :-))

Too loud walking????

I was walking, admittedly with purpose, up a hill in Kronberg on Sunday morning – around 10:00 in the morning.
I was wearing my walking boots, good, solid leather things – and I admit that they make firm contact noises on the ground.

I noticed a woman turning around to look at me – she was on the oppposite side of the road and also heading in the same direction.
On the second or third glance of hers I greeted her, in my best German ” Guten Morgen”.
Imagine my suprise when she responded “Was fΓΌr einen Krach Sie machen”
I was somewhat surprised but responsded “Ich bin Flach Fussig” or I think it was something to that purpose.

So now I know – it is posssible to walk too loudly in Germany.
Can anyone can tell me what the Strassen Recht Verordnung is that I in my studpidity have broken?



I drove to Kronberg South yesterday morning – there was some snow on the road and it was icy – not a single snow plough in sight and no salt spreaders had been about.

The weather forecast predicted terrible conditions – with even more snow.

The result was lain to see as by 2.00 pm – when next I sallied forth – there was a thick snow covering on the road – again – not a snow plough or salt spreader in sight.

This morning I drove to Oberursel – again – no salt spreaders or ploughs in sight.

On the way back at 10:30 – I saw two of them and the 661 was clear.

Now can someone tell me why it took the authorities that long to get doing their job? Would the deaths on the A3 car park or those on the A45 have happened if they had been out salting on Monday morning – when there was copious amounts of ice and snow already buiding up?

Are these people deaf – or blind?

What on earth is going on here?



Now this brings back memories. Before Star-Trek there existed

Dr. Who. Whizzing through time and space – (especially parts of the U.K.)

In fack this TV show is still being produced – I don’t know how many Doctors have rejuevenated since the original one (a grumpy old scientific type – he was one of the best). But the show is still going strong.

If you don’t know what this is about – sorry to hear that.

