Author Archives: Bruce Cason
Recording your life? The Economist
Now if this is the meaning of life – then bring back Monty Python
Building the perfect teacher
Do you study, or are you thinking of studying online? Some interesting thoughts for teachers.
BBC – Future – Technology – MOOCs data offers promise of perfect teaching.
What should we do with our poo? WC Crappers invention revisited.
This is a great documentary about waste recycling – of the human kind.
Enjoy. Bruce
Is the Pope a woman?
Is the pope a woman?
Read the article and tell me the truth…….
Paul Potts Life Story Hits The Big Screen – Yahoo News UK
Boyle is estimated to be worth £25m, has released four hit albums, performed for the Pope and appeared in a musical based on her life.
via Paul Potts Life Story Hits The Big Screen – Yahoo News UK.
English breakfast – SAT1 WECK UP
Just click on the “Frühstück in anderen Kulturen” to observe (for maybe 3 seconds) yours truly pontificating.
via Videos.
watch SAT 1 on Sunday 29 September 8.00 am to 9.00 am
Maybe See me interviewed or even eating an English breakfast.
Remember Remember the Fifth of November rhyme
Hi everyone. The days are getting shorter – and it is coming up to Bonfire Night (november the 5th) – as celebrated by those crazy English people.
Never heard of Guy Fawkes? – Then follow this link and watch the video.
Best (autumnal) regards
BPS Research Digest: The Digest guide to … studying
Hi everyone – this is quite difficult English to understand – but it talks about how to improve your techniques to study somehting – and you are all studying English —– Aren’t you ????????
Best Regards
Phone call scam- 07078229870
Hi all – just a warning. I got a call this morning from this number – who claimed to work for “Windows-Live”. – the man spoke with an Indian accent.
It was just so suspicious when he said they had been receiving errors reports from my operating system – but that they didn’t work for Microsoft.
Be warned !!!!
Phone call scam- received call from a technician who said my system – Microsoft Community.