I was riding my motorbike into Frankfurt yesterday evening on the A66 at around 8 pm. I was doing about 100 Kmph and behind a nice, big, expensive new model BMW, doing about the same.
He suddenly slowed down for no reason I could see – so I pulled into the middle lane (there are three lanes there) – and started to overtake him. Imagine my surprise as I glanced left – to see he was holding a dictation machine in his right hand and with his left he was holding an open folder on his lap. I can only assume that he was steering with his knees.
He was a well dressed, executive business or politician between 55 and 65 years old. He probably earns over €150,000 p.a. – and he obviously has a car office. I looked in the back but couldn’t see a portable secretary or coffe machine – but5 perhaps that was hidden somewhere else.
I have his registration number – it was an HG one. Am I allowed to show his whole number? He ignored my remonstrations that he should be driving and not talking memos – and sped off.
Ahh what arrogance money breeds. 🙁
Would you like to post your own versions here – people driving doing their makeup using the rear view mirror? Mobile phone – organising the children on the back seat (yes, I have seen that)? Post your thoughts here.